Friday, February 6, 2015

Currently // v.1

So I'm realizing that blogging is this whole big community of people. I think I'm a little late to the party with this discovery, but hey, better late than never. As I'm exploring more and reading more blogs, I just get so excited - this kind of giddy, bubbliness - because there are some awesome gals (and guys) who are out there writing out their thoughts and hearts. And I love reading all of it! << In fact, I think I might have to start monitoring the time I spend reading might have become a bit of an obsession over the past few weeks.

Back to the community. I really want to become a part, and get to know some of these aforementioned awesome people. So, I'm linking up with Jenna and Anne to participate in Currently.

Hearting | The Influence Network podcast. I started listening a few weeks ago, and I can't get enough of it. This one has been my favorite so far, but I'm still catching up. If you're looking for some fun chats on blogging, faith, creativity, and more, check it out!

Reading | All the blogs. Seriously. And Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy which is excellent. It's a humungous book, so it's taking me awhile, but it is so so good.

Pinning | House ideas and youth group games. We just bought a house last week (more to come on that), so I need some decorating inspiration. Youth games because I always wait until 6pm on Wednesdays to start thinking up a game for that night. That right there might be my least favorite part of youth ministry. I enjoy playing the games, just not picking them out.

Eating | Badly. I've had way too many cookies and not enough veggies the past few days. But hey, I've uped my water intake. That should count for something.

Anticipating | My parents visiting. This time next week, my folks will be here to spend a whole week with us in the frozen "great white north." I can not wait!

What are you up to currently?


  1. Hey Jess, I just read your about me page and I must confess to you that I have a slight obsession with South Dakota because Laura Ingalls Wilder lived there. And I'm pretty sure that no one except me feels this way haha! But now you know that your state has a big fan!

  2. Good to know! :) I'm actually a semi-recent transplant to SD, but I really love the state. It's so unique. I live about an hour north of De Smet, so I pass the the sign for Laura Ingalls Wilder's historic homes every so often. I think I might have to re-read those books now that you mention it.

  3. Yes, the blog community is so much fun! Glad you've discovered it too - and our linkup :) And congrats on the house - so exciting.

  4. Me too! Thanks so much for hosting. As far the house, we've been super excited. It's pretty great :)

  5. You're right, there is a blogging community and i'm so thankful for it. Late or not, you are a part of that community. :)I'm so glad you linked up with us!

    I have also been eating badly! I have had the worst sweet tooth EVER the last week or so. I'm on a sugar high!

  6. Haha, it's the cookies have really been doing me in. Plus all the chocolate that's around for Valentine's Day. It's just bad!
